The "Purple Palace" is my She Shed, which I have always wanted. After I retired, we started working on my dream. This is the story of how it started and how it was built.
It is still a work in progress.
The following is the story of how we built my She Shed. The "Purple Palace"
I had a lot of help from my family and my eldest grandsons friends, they were always there for me. My grandson and his friends spent alot of time at the farm and I think they had some fun as well as getting a lot of hard work done.
It all started with me talking to a friend about how I always wanted a place for my crafts, plants, etc. Luckily she had a friend that needed to have her shed removed from her back yard.
So off my husband and I went to look at the shed and we decided we could make it work. We took off the siding ourselves and decided we had to cut it into three sections in order to load it onto the truck and trailer. We never suspected how heavy and awkward a wooden shed cut into three could be. Luckily we had my grandson and his friends willing to help. They are definitely younger and stronger then us. They were even willing to get on the roof and take off the shingles. That was a job in itself, but the kids worked hard and it was ready to go in two days. We were that good. That was the basic story of the shed; more to follow....
This is a picture of the shed loaded into the truck and trailer. We were all exhausted.
Next step, was to get it to the farm and rebuild. Not an easy task. When we bought the shed, it was bare bones, only one door no windows, insulation or interior walls. Now, quite a difference. I love it.
Of course there was more work to do, other then to just rebuild. And we are talking about building a 8 x10 shed on a strict budget. We needed to level the land where we were building it, put in a pad of some description, find windows, another door, insulation, shingles and interior walls.
Story will continue.
Luckily I keep looking for deals. BROWSING on our local marketplace, Facebook listings, networking with my friends and family. The first step was to level the ground where my shed was going. I picked the back of the yard near my pool. Making sure there was room for a greenhouse which is my next step. My grandson and his friends helped level out the spot I picked and my youngest daughter found us some paving stones to put down under the shed for free. So off we went to collect the pavers. Rather a bit heavy. But we managed. We had enough for under the shed , for a patio and even enough for the Tiny house my daughter is building. Check out the blo on "Bertha the Beast of a whale"